- 目錄
css崗位,全稱cascading style sheets,主要負責網頁的樣式設計和布局規(guī)劃,通過編寫css代碼實現視覺效果與交互體驗的優(yōu)化。這一角色是網頁開發(fā)團隊中不可或缺的部分,致力于提升網站的美學價值和用戶體驗。
1. 精通css語法和最新標準,理解盒模型、布局模式(如flexbox和grid)以及響應式設計原則。
2. 具備良好的審美觀,能夠根據項目需求創(chuàng)建一致、優(yōu)雅的界面設計。
3. 掌握html和javascript基礎知識,能與前后端開發(fā)者有效協作。
4. 熟悉一種或多種css預處理器,如sass或less,提高代碼的可維護性和效率。
5. 能夠調試和優(yōu)化css性能,確保頁面加載速度和兼容性。
6. 具備團隊合作精神,能有效地溝通設計理念和解決方案。
1. 設計和實現網頁的樣式,確保與ui/ux設計師的視覺稿保持一致。
2. 編寫高效、可復用的css代碼,遵循代碼規(guī)范,保證代碼質量。
3. 協同前端開發(fā)者進行頁面布局和組件開發(fā),確??鐬g覽器和設備的兼容性。
4. 參與項目評審,提出改進視覺表現和用戶體驗的建議。
5. 持續(xù)關注web開發(fā)趨勢和技術更新,將前沿理念融入到工作中。
1. 樣式設計:從色彩搭配、字體選擇到元素間距,全面控制頁面的視覺呈現。
2. 布局構建:運用css布局技術實現響應式設計,適應不同屏幕尺寸。
3. 動畫效果:創(chuàng)建平滑的過渡和動畫效果,提升用戶交互體驗。
4. 問題解決:解決瀏覽器兼容性問題,確保在主流瀏覽器中一致的顯示效果。
5. 性能優(yōu)化:壓縮css文件,減少http請求,提高頁面加載速度。
6. 文檔編寫:編寫清晰的注釋,方便團隊成員理解和維護代碼。
第1篇 css網頁設計崗位職責css網頁設計職責任職要求
第2篇 div+css設計師崗位職責
1.精通div+css;精通dreamveaver等網頁布局模式;精通ps切圖、修改頁面;精通div css手寫代碼能力。精通w3c
第3篇 css工程師崗位職責
后臺開發(fā)工程師(css) 神州綠盟信息 北京神州綠盟信息安全科技股份有限公司,北京神州綠盟信息,神州綠盟,神州綠盟信息,綠盟,綠盟科技,神州綠盟 職責描述:
1. 云安全系統(tǒng)模塊設計、子系統(tǒng)架構設計
2. 云安全系統(tǒng)核心模塊的編碼實現
3. 組內模塊代碼走查、評審工作
4. 技術文檔的編寫
5. 產品維護工作按照公司開發(fā)流程,完成相應的開發(fā)任務
1. 3年以上編碼經驗
2. 熟悉python或java,熟悉設計模式,有良好的的編碼習慣和較高的代碼質量
3. 熟悉ngin_、redis、mysql等開源軟件
4. 擁有較強的排查問題、分析問題和解決問題的能力
5. 具備團隊合作精神,積極的工作態(tài)度和較強的責任心,良好的溝通和學習能力
1. 熟悉主流云平臺如openstack或vsphere為加分項
2. 熟悉sdn相關技術為加分項
第4篇 css網頁設計崗位職責
第5篇 css設計崗位職責
2.實現交互效果, 獨立完成整套的靜態(tài)頁面, 實現css3動畫效果;
3.主要負責靜態(tài)頁面, 頁面要求ie8+, ie8, ie9的動畫暫時不考慮,對javascript要求不高。
1. 2年以上前端開發(fā)經驗;
2. 精通html5、css3,熟練使用css+div布局, ;
3. 熟悉對web前端、手機html5前端進行性能優(yōu)化、瀏覽器兼容以及各移動應用內置web頁兼容等;
4. 懂得響應式網站開發(fā),有開發(fā)手機、pad等移動平臺上的前端應用頁面經驗者優(yōu)先;
5. 具有良好的表達能力和溝通能力,具有良好的團隊合作精神,工作責任心強,抗壓能力強,善于學習。
第6篇 css前端開發(fā)崗位職責
初級前端開發(fā)人員(css/js/h5) 贊同科技股份有限公司 珠海贊同科技有限公司,贊同科技,贊同科技股份有限公司 崗位描述:
第7篇 div+css設計師崗位職責div+css設計師職責任職要求
ui設計師/美工/div+css網頁設計師的崗位要求: 1.精通w3c標準,精通html、css、javascript; 2.能編寫出同時兼容ie6、ie7、ie8、firefo_、safari、opera、chrome等瀏覽器的代碼; 3.手寫代碼熟練,有良好的代碼編寫習慣; 4.1年及以上美工工作經驗; 5.大專以上學歷,美術或計算機相關專業(yè)。有產品界面設計經驗者優(yōu)先; 6.熟練掌握photoshop、flash、網頁設計制作軟件,對圖片渲染和視覺效果有較好認識; 7.具有藝術設計能力和美術功底,對網站的整體風格及視覺效果把握準確; 8.性格開朗、有責任心,有良好的溝通能力,并富有團隊合作精神和敬業(yè)精神
第8篇 logisticssupervisor崗位職責
senior implementation consultant senior implementation consultant
reports to: senior manager, hong kong/macau/taiwan operations
location: shanghai
key responsibilities:
? conduct blueprinting workshops to obtain the client’s requirements
? work with client and client’s previous vendors to ensure proper understanding and gathering of all e_isting data, information and processes
? provide analysis and solution to client to enhance client practices or match client process with the operation standards in terms of system, dispatching, social benefits, and core payroll services
? design and document the client’s solution including their business requirements, their hr out-sourcing process and any program specifications required according to the documentation guidelines
? liaise with clients throughout the data cleansing, mapping and conversion phase and provide any assistance required including performing data loads and reconciliation
? provide end user training including creating training material and training systems
? generate test scripts to enable clients to adequately test the solution
? support clients throughout the uat, parallel and go-live phases
? maintain up to date knowledge of the bob template, products & service practices, and labour law
? escalate project issues to implementation manager including scope variations, task slippages and any risks that may arise during the project
? liaise with internal teams to ensure that client’s requirements are understood and timeframes are adhered to
? acting project manager when needed
key requirements:
? university degree, majored in computer science or related
? 5+ years e_perience in payroll/hr implementation
? good knowledge in at least two of the following hr areas: iit/labour law/payroll & salary/social benefits
? at least 3 full life cycle payroll system implementation project e_perience
? knowledge of implementation methodologies
? knowledge of support methodologies including use of an issue tracking system
? ability to use a document management system
? professional manner and presentation and ability to set, manage and satisfy client’s e_pectations through personal involvement or delegation
? ability to understand and work with different cultures professionally
? e_cellent written and verbal communication skills in both chinese and english
? e_cellent meeting management skills
? client focused, demonstrate concern for meeting and e_ceeding immediate and future needs of clients
? ability to priorities tasks and time management skills, ability to work across various projects, ability to lead a team of consultants to effectively implement a solution
? analytical thinking/problem solving skills - work systematically and logically to resolve problems, address opportunities or manage the situation at hand, identify causes, relationships and implications
? ability to handle conflicts and negotiate a mutually acceptable solution across internal teams senior implementation consultant
reports to: senior manager, hong kong/macau/taiwan operations
location: shanghai
key responsibilities:
? conduct blueprinting workshops to obtain the client’s requirements
? work with client and client’s previous vendors to ensure proper understanding and gathering of all e_isting data, information and processes
? provide analysis and solution to client to enhance client practices or match client process with the operation standards in terms of system, dispatching, social benefits, and core payroll services
? design and document the client’s solution including their business requirements, their hr out-sourcing process and any program specifications required according to the documentation guidelines
? liaise with clients throughout the data cleansing, mapping and conversion phase and provide any assistance required including performing data loads and reconciliation
? provide end user training including creating training material and training systems
? generate test scripts to enable clients to adequately test the solution
? support clients throughout the uat, parallel and go-live phases
? maintain up to date knowledge of the bob template, products & service practices, and labour law
? escalate project issues to implementation manager including scope variations, task slippages and any risks that may arise during the project
? liaise with internal teams to ensure that client’s requirements are understood and timeframes are adhered to
? acting project manager when needed
key requirements:
? university degree, majored in computer science or related
? 5+ years e_perience in payroll/hr implementation
? good knowledge in at least two of the following hr areas: iit/labour law/payroll & salary/social benefits
? at least 3 full life cycle payroll system implementation project e_perience
? knowledge of implementation methodologies
? knowledge of support methodologies including use of an issue tracking system
? ability to use a document management system
? professional manner and presentation and ability to set, manage and satisfy client’s e_pectations through personal involvement or delegation
? ability to understand and work with different cultures professionally
? e_cellent written and verbal communication skills in both chinese and english
? e_cellent meeting management skills
? client focused, demonstrate concern for meeting and e_ceeding immediate and future needs of clients
? ability to priorities tasks and time management skills, ability to work across various projects, ability to lead a team of consultants to effectively implement a solution
? analytical thinking/problem solving skills - work systematically and logically to resolve problems, address opportunities or manage the situation at hand, identify causes, relationships and implications
? ability to handle conflicts and negotiate a mutually acceptable solution across internal teams
第9篇 logisticssupervisor崗位職責logisticssupervisor職責任職要求
assistant qa manager 質量保證副經理 title:assistant qa manager
report to:qa. manager
location: shenzhen city, guangdong province
? demonstrate efficiencies that equate to reduction in coq as a ratio of revenue [people, processes, product validations equipment & methods]
? complete international level qp’s, ppap’s and all their specific customer requirements. define qc checklists [criteria and frequency] for iqc, ipqc & fqc both directly and with your team to a high international standard.
? achieve a trusting and respectful relationship with customers, meet / e_ceed their their quality e_pectations, ensure smart and prompt responses to any customer quality complaints or requirements.
? responsible for deployment of the ‘lean quality’ concept throughout the organization embracing poka yoke and ci driven solutions to permanently eliminate known and potential non compliances.
? support departmental and functional managers to optimize their processes.
? manage and improve key metrics including coq, copq, which include in their sub sets: customer complaints, rework & scrap costs [both e_ternal & internal].
? implement and sustain a system of smart product quality checklists for npi’s and evolve e_isting quality value add by removing and reviewing criteria for iqc, ipqc & fqc.
? provide dfm input as part of p-fmea relating to engineering specifications such as dimensional tolerances and cosmetic finish requirements as well as the robustness of the factory manufacturing processes to remove risk of non-conformance.
? responsible for customers quality requirements such as qp’s, ctq’s, ppap’s thru to psw including parts and deliverable documentation needs as well as related records of iterations and full product traceability.
? deep understanding and ability to use and teach key quality tools including spc, r@r, gauge r&r, run charts, yields data processing, rca, 8d to implement robust tangible improvements.
? support sqe by identifying part for them to monitor and key ‘at risk’ to quality criteria.
? maintain and sustain departments ‘capability & functional capacity tables and training matrices. demonstrating cross departmental cross and e_cellence.
? bachelor’s degree or above, minimum 7 years of cable and wire harnessing manufacturing e_perience with automotive and / or medical compliance requirements.
? have established managerial e_perience [>; 5 years] in an international manufacturing company and be well versed in working with international customers in conference calls and face to face.
? highly pc literate in microsoft office suite of packages and other quality s/w packages that are spc and metric based.
? possess a high level of emotional intelligence as a customer facing link, manager of a team and pier to pier collaborative relationship management.
? self-motivated, can do attitude possessing strong planning, problem solving and analytical skills.
? able to be p&l [coq] intelligent producing budgets for equipment, people, training, and e_ternal qualifications services.
? good communication and writing skills in both english and mandarin are essential.
title:assistant qa manager
report to:qa. manager
location: shenzhen city, guangdong province
? demonstrate efficiencies that equate to reduction in coq as a ratio of revenue [people, processes, product validations equipment & methods]
? complete international level qp’s, ppap’s and all their specific customer requirements. define qc checklists [criteria and frequency] for iqc, ipqc & fqc both directly and with your team to a high international standard.
? achieve a trusting and respectful relationship with customers, meet / e_ceed their their quality e_pectations, ensure smart and prompt responses to any customer quality complaints or requirements.
? responsible for deployment of the ‘lean quality’ concept throughout the organization embracing poka yoke and ci driven solutions to permanently eliminate known and potential non compliances.
? support departmental and functional managers to optimize their processes.
? manage and improve key metrics including coq, copq, which include in their sub sets: customer complaints, rework & scrap costs [both e_ternal & internal].
? implement and sustain a system of smart product quality checklists for npi’s and evolve e_isting quality value add by removing and reviewing criteria for iqc, ipqc & fqc.
? provide dfm input as part of p-fmea relating to engineering specifications such as dimensional tolerances and cosmetic finish requirements as well as the robustness of the factory manufacturing processes to remove risk of non-conformance.
? responsible for customers quality requirements such as qp’s, ctq’s, ppap’s thru to psw including parts and deliverable documentation needs as well as related records of iterations and full product traceability.
? deep understanding and ability to use and teach key quality tools including spc, r@r, gauge r&r, run charts, yields data processing, rca, 8d to implement robust tangible improvements.
? support sqe by identifying part for them to monitor and key ‘at risk’ to quality criteria.
? maintain and sustain departments ‘capability & functional capacity tables and training matrices. demonstrating cross departmental cross and e_cellence.
? bachelor’s degree or above, minimum 7 years of cable and wire harnessing manufacturing e_perience with automotive and / or medical compliance requirements.
? have established managerial e_perience [>; 5 years] in an international manufacturing company and be well versed in working with international customers in conference calls and face to face.
? highly pc literate in microsoft office suite of packages and other quality s/w packages that are spc and metric based.
? possess a high level of emotional intelligence as a customer facing link, manager of a team and pier to pier collaborative relationship management.
? self-motivated, can do attitude possessing strong planning, problem solving and analytical skills.
? able to be p&l [coq] intelligent producing budgets for equipment, people, training, and e_ternal qualifications services.
? good communication and writing skills in both english and mandarin are essential.